29 June 2011


I'm conflicted.
On the one hand, I was always eager to pick this book up while I had it. I stopped reading anything else I had. So, that says something about the writing & narrative.
But, I felt (like I do with so many YA works) that it was offbalance. I couldn't put a finger on why, but I read a few reviews of the title on goodreads which helped me. The world itself and the reasoning for the "cure" did not make sense. They ban love, but see the point in maintaining other remnants of society? Why have a family unit? It seems absurd.
Also, like so many other YA novels, I felt like there was far too much romance and not enough substance. Now, I understand that love was a huge part of the plot, but I want more! I want to know the character without her love. However, the parts with Alex were well-written and believable.
Will I read the rest of the books in this series? Nope. The ending was so predictable and maddening that I won't bother.


I'm reading Hourglass now, and while the narrator is witty and engaging, she's far too focused on her love interest! Now, I will admit to feeling how she feels when placed by a certain person, but my head isn't a novel that's supposed to appeal to an audience! I hope that there's more to this book than, "omgggg this Michael guy is a qt."
We'll see!

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