25 December 2011

January - March Plans...

I'm choosing some lengthy novels and some light novellas from my 150 to read list. I'll be in school during this time, but I still want to fit some reading in. Ideally, these titles will be physical books I own. I hope to do away with the copies after consuming them. So that I can make space. For more books.
Alright, then.

1001 nights
2666 - um. maybe during spring break?
No Longer Human - bought for my birthday. In February 2010. 
Middlemarch -I started this some time ago in 2009; I'd like to finish it!
On the Road - Agh, same. I've picked this up numerous times. I lost my cat around the time I'd started it, so I remember the loss every time I pick it up. I'm dumb.
The Poisonwood Bible -My mom loves this and I recently bought it. That's all.
Life is Elsewhere - Wow, a Kundera novel I have but haven't finished? Yeah, not sure what's up with that. I started this back in 2008. I'd read while I was in my bathtub. My OWN bathtub. I miss those days.
To Kill a Mockingbird - I doubt I'll like this. I've seen the movie. Go ahead and hate me.

I have some non-fiction planned:
The United Nations:  A Very Short Introduction 
Human Evolution: A Very Short Introduction

Plus more I haven't thought of yet.

Right now I'm finishing up Einstein's Dreams, Eating Animals, and The Marriage Plot. I'll update on my 2011 book goal progress sometime next week. Wish me luck...I'm so close!