21 April 2012

So, I haven't updated anything at all, but I'm going to blog about my first time doing an official readathon.
I'm starting late, but these are what I plan to read:
Anarchism chapter in Understanding Dogmas & Dreams (School)
Goldman, Bakunin, Starhawk essays in Dogmas & Dreams (School)
Why It's Kicking Off Everywhere (School)
Black Rain
The Essential Feminist Reader (Personal but also for school)

Obviously I won't finish all of these, but I'd like to make some progress. Also, I'll be stopping to take notes for the school assignments so that will slow me down.
It's 1:40 P.M. now. I'll update an hour from starting.

1 comment:

  1. Bienvenue sur le Readathon! c'est une excellente façon de rencontrer d'autres blogueurs livre et de trouver quelques livres nouveaux grands. profitez-en!
